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Power Virtual Agent

Creating a Power Virtual Agent to Assist the Customers

The Challenge

Client wanted to create a virtual agent to assist the customers and wanted to embed the virtual agent to their PowerApps Portal. So, if any customer visits the portal and faces any issue, a virtual agent can assist them. Also, if a consumer needs any help, Power Virtual agent asks the customer to insert its email address so that one of the users of the management team can assist the customer.

The Solution

We tried to fulfill the requirement of the client by keeping all the scenarios in our mind about what all questions can be asked to the Virtual Agent and how to help the customer to our fullest. We divided all the scenarios in different models and then created different topics accordingly. To achieve the functionality of sending email to the customer by fetching their email addresses. We used Power Automate with the Power Virtual agents. We created a flow where a mail will be sent to the customer’s email ID. We defined a question in the topics that “If you need any further assistance kindly mention your email address below”. So that when the customer inserts their email addresses an automatic email will be sent to them. For all the Out of the topic questions the Power Virtual agent will start over again by saying “I did not understand what you said. Let me start over again.” And the Bot will start the conversation again from starting. To embed the Power Virtual Agent we fetched a power virtual agent link and inserted that link in our PowerApps Portal HTML designer field. .

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