
Power Pages

Display records in PowerApps Portal based on hierarchy of the logged-in Contact

Client based in Australia. 

The Challenge 

Display the Accounts, Cases, and Contacts in the PowerApps Portal based on the hierarchy to which the logged-in Contact belongs to. Currently, PowerApps Portal properties provide only the Parent Account of the logged-in Contact. There is no direct way to fetch the records as per the hierarchy of the logged-in Contact. 

The Solution 

The Dynamics 365 Sales of the client was maintaining a very well hierarchy structure for the Accounts. For example, an Account can have multiple child Accounts, and a child Account can also have multiple child Accounts. 

In addition to the OOTB “Parent Account” field on Account, the client was also maintaining an Account lookup to store the master Account of the hierarchy to which the current Account belongs to. We used this custom field to display the records on the PowerApps Portal as per the requirement. Using the fetch XML, we brought the records on the HTML page of the portal based on the Parent Account and the Master Account field of the logged-in Contact record.

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