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Dynamics 365 Business Central

Microsoft SharePoint

  • Microsoft SharePoint is cloud based document management and collaboration tool that integrates with Microsoft office.
  • Microsoft SharePoint is a multi-purpose tool which allows an enterprise to share, manage, organize, store, retrieve, search, track, archive and report digitized documents with high security.
  • Users can upload tons of stuff upon Microsoft SharePoint including Images, PDFs, documents, videos, contact, Project information, calendar entries, Exported email messages, etc.

Microsoft SharePoint Services



Microsoft SharePoint helps you create your own website and It’s not necessary for you to be a web designer. Any Microsoft SharePoint user can create and edit their website.

  • Ribbon UI
  • Team sites
  • Outlook Integration
  • Project Management
  • Alerts & Notifications
  • Email and calendar integration


Microsoft SharePoint helps you to Interact and Communicate with multiple people at the same time within an organization.

  • My sites
  • Social Bookmarking
  • Tagging, Tag Cloud, Ratings
  • Profiles and Expertise
  • Blogs
  • Wikis
  • Intranet Publishing


Microsoft SharePoint is a super smart search engine which helps you to search all data and people more securely.

  • People Search
  • Contextual relevance
  • Navigation
  • Fast Integration
  • Data search
  • Enterprise scalability
  • Cross site search
  • Video search
  • Refiner panel


Microsoft SharePoint can maintain a huge amount of data with high security and helps you to track your content.

  • Integrated document management
  • Metadata and Navigation
  • Remote Blob storage
  • Audio & video content
  • Document sets
  • Record management
  • Web content with policies and workflow


It will help you to create compelling applications without any code. Rich and Web forms based front-ends

  • LOB actions
  • Pluggable SSO
  • API enhancements
  • Visual studio
  • Workflow


It helps you to bring all information together and allows you to make better decisions. Web based excel spread sheet and data visualization

  • PerformancePoint services
  • Chart web part
  • Report center
  • KPIs/ Dashboards
  • SQL server integration
  • BI web parts
  • Power Pivot


Our Competencies

  • Integration with Dynamics 365
  • Building Power Apps on top of SharePoint lists
  • Mapping and synchronization of custom entities
  • Transferring specific documents
  • Integration using Microsoft Power Automate for specific tables and documents

Would you like to digitize your business and put it on the cloud?
Do you need clear, concise reports for your organization?