
How to Build a Pipeline for Exact Matching in Azure ML Using Python Script

, December 27, 2024187 Views

Exact matching is a critical process for identifying precise matches between text data and predefined keywords. In this blog, we’ll walk you through building an Azure ML pipeline to perform exact keyword matching using a Python script

Why Perform Exact Matching?

Exact matching is vital when precision is critical. It ensures:

  • Identifying Specific Terms: Ideal for identifying predefined terms like product names or SKUs.
  • Avoiding False Positives: By making the comparison case-sensitive and exact, we avoid incorrect matches like “Wood” matching “WOOD.”

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you understand and replicate the process.

Step 1: Understand the Datasets

The process begins with two datasets:

  • Text Dataset: This contains the textual data to compare with the keywords.
  • Keyword Dataset: This holds the keywords for matching, along with a column IsMatch to indicate if the keyword is flagged for exact matching.

Both datasets are passed as inputs to the Python scripts in the pipeline. The Text Dataset is used for matching, and the Keyword Dataset provides the keywords.

Step 2: Implement the Python Script for Exact Matching

Step-by-Step Explanation

Input Datasets

The script uses two input datasets:

  • Text Dataset: Contains the text data to be analyzed.
  • Keyword Dataset: Holds keywords to match against the text data.

Install Required Libraries

Essential libraries like pandas, numpy, and re are installed and imported to ensure the script functions efficiently.

Preprocessing Function

This function cleans both the text and keyword data by:

  • Removing special characters.
  • Eliminating extra spaces.

This step prepares the data for accurate matching.

Exact Matching Logic

The script performs exact matching of keywords to text data using:

Case-sensitive comparison: Ensures matches are precise.

Regex: Identifies only exact matches to avoid false positives.

Processing the Text Dataset

  • Renames the text column for clarity.
  • Applies the preprocessing function to clean the text.
  • Initializes columns for storing matching results (ContainsKeyword and MatchingKeywords).

Processing the Keyword Dataset

  • Renames and preprocesses the keyword column.
  • Filters the dataset to include only rows where IsMatch = 1.
  • This reduces unnecessary computations.

Generating the Output

  • Populates the ContainsKeyword and MatchingKeywords columns for matched rows.
  • Produces the final output with original text and matched keywords (assigned_labels).
  • Confidence score set to 1.0.
# Azure ML entry point function
def azureml_main(dataframe1=None, dataframe2=None):

    import subprocess

    import sys


    def install(package):

        subprocess.check_call([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", package])


    # Install required packages






    # Importing libraries

    import pandas as pd

    import re

    from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer

    from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity

    import numpy as np


    def exactmatch_preprocess_text(text):

        text = re.sub(r'\W', ' ', text)

        text = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', text)

        return text


    def exact_matching(text_df_match, label_df_match, cln_text_col, cln_label_col, label_col):

        any_matches_found = False

        for index, row in label_df_match.iterrows():

            keyword = row[cln_label_col]

            matches = pd.Series([False] * len(text_df_match), index=text_df_match.index)

            pattern = r'^\b' + re.escape(keyword) + r'\b$'

            matches = text_df_match[cln_text_col].apply(lambda x: bool(re.fullmatch(pattern, x)))


            if matches.any():

                any_matches_found = True

                text_df_match.loc[matches, "ContainsKeyword"] = True

                text_df_match.loc[matches, "MatchingKeywords"] = text_df_match.loc[matches, "MatchingKeywords"]+row[label_col]


        return text_df_match


   # Processing the Text Dataset

    text_df_match = dataframe1[['Desc']].rename(columns={'Desc': 'text'})

    text_df_match['cleaned_text'] = text_df_match['text'].apply(exactmatch_preprocess_text)


    # Processing the Keyword Dataset

    label_df_match = dataframe2.rename(columns={'Keyword': 'label'})

    label_df_match['cleaned_keyword'] = label_df_match['label'].apply(exactmatch_preprocess_text)

    label_df_match = label_df_match[label_df_match['IsMatch'] == 1].reset_index(drop=True)


    # Initialize ContainsKeyword and MatchingKeywords columns

    text_df_match['ContainsKeyword'] = False

    text_df_match['MatchingKeywords'] = ''


    # Apply Exact Match Logic

    text_df_match = exact_matching(text_df_match,label_df_match,'cleaned_text','cleaned_keyword','label')

    exact_match_condition = (text_df_match["ContainsKeyword"] == True)


    # Extract rows with matches

    exact_match_df = text_df_match.loc[exact_match_condition, ['text', 'MatchingKeywords']]


    # Prepare the final output

    exact_match_df.reset_index(inplace = True, drop = True)

    exact_match_df.rename(columns = {'MatchingKeywords':'assigned_labels'}, inplace = True)

    exact_match_df['confidence_score'] = 1.0


    # Ensure correct data types

    exact_match_df = exact_match_df.astype({

        'text': 'string',                  # Ensure text is of string type

        'assigned_labels': 'string',       # Assign labels as string

        'confidence_score': 'float'        # Set confidence score as float



    return exact_match_df,

The image below showcases the Designer view of the Azure ML Pipeline:

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