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Harnessing Innovation with Microsoft Azure Services

, April 23, 2024368 Views

The world of cloud computing has completely transformed how businesses operate and innovate. Microsoft Azure stands out as a leading cloud platform, by offering unmatched scalability and agility to organizations all over the globe. Our Microsoft Azure services encompass a wide range of offerings, from deploying infrastructure to modernizing applications. Whether you’re migrating to Azure, […]

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Implementing ADF Branches and Filters for Employee Training

, March 22, 2024330 Views

In one organization, there is one analysis of employee’s performance on different technologies based on the technologies they know and ratings from their manager. If they don’t meet the required criteria, then that employee will get training for those technologies. Input: emp_id MSBI PowerBI ratings from the manager 101 null x 3 101 null null […]

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Copy Data Dynamically From Multiple Sources To Multiple Sinks In ADF

, December 5, 20231373 Views

In this blog we are going to learn how to implement Dynamic Mapping to copy data from multiple sources to sinks in ADF. The below attached images show that there are 2 pair of source-destination tables. Now the source table is holding some data while the destination tables is blank, but its schema is similar […]

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Access SharePoint Online Data Using Postman Part 2

, March 11, 20224265 Views

Now, in this blog we will see how to access SharePoint online data.  In this example, we will resize SharePoint Online image by using the Microsoft Graph API via SharePoint using the /_api/v2.0.  We need to specify the size; large, small, and medium; in the request URL to resize the image that would give us […]

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Access SharePoint Online Data Using Postman Part 1

, February 3, 202212395 Views

In this blog, we will show you how we can interact with SharePoint via Rest APIs and perform actions like adding, updating, deleting, and fetching data using Postman.   We are using two operations SharePoint App Registration and Azure AD app (Graph API).  The important factor is Authentication and Authorization while accessing SharePoint information.  Generate […]

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Make Microsoft Azure Function App editable or read-only

, May 9, 201914229 Views

There are basically two ways to create and publish the Function App in the Microsoft Azure. One of the ways is to create the Function App directly in the Microsoft Azure and publishing it from there itself. The second way is to create the Function App in the Visual Studio and publishing it from the […]

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Azure FunctionApp Error: The binding type(s) ‘serviceBusTrigger’ are not registered[SOLVED]

, April 11, 201914225 Views

At times we are stuck with issues which look very clear but takes everything out of you to resolve them. Recently, I had faced one of them during the deployment of one of my FunctionApp at Azure. Actually, I had to deploy a FunctionApp from the VisualStudio. I deployed it successfully but while selecting the […]

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Upload document to SharePoint from Microsoft D365 CE using C# Web API & manage SharePoint document metadata

, March 20, 20199275 Views

The integration of Microsoft D365 CE with SharePoint has enabled the document management in SharePoint precisely in the form of folders and subfolders, in a structured way. Today in this blog, let’s learn how we can upload the documents in SharePoint from the D365 CE using the Dot Net c# web API code with a […]

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Handling Dead Letter Queue(DLQ) using Logic App

, February 11, 201910462 Views

In our previous blog, we have explained how to handle DLQ using the Azure Functions. Please refer: Lets now learn how to read the messages from the DLQ using the Logic App: First and foremost, we need to identify the message received in the Dead Letter Queue. So, the trigger step in the Logic […]

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Handling Dead Letter Queue(DLQ) using Azure Functions

, January 31, 201930411 Views

Microsoft Azure Service Bus is a secure platform for transferring the messages across various platforms and applications. This is a reliable service for asynchronous data transfer using messages. Queues are one among the data structures used while transmitting the data across the cloud. Messages are stored in the queue until processed at the receiver’s end. […]

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