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Power BI > Use of ISINSCOPE()

, August 28, 20208320 Views

Power BI has advanced incredibly in the last few years. Microsoft has been working their fingers to the bone to make Power BI simple to use and easily adaptable. But at times, it gives us hard time to achieve even the simplest of requirements, or at least we think so. Recently, I faced one such […]

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Provide easy access to a queue for current user

, August 26, 20202672 Views

Recently, we got a requirement which required us to easily allow a user to access their queue. After a descent amount of struggle, we finally found a way which would allow a user to see their queue without fumbling in the menu or advanced find option. So, here is what we did. Lets start. Open […]

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Charts in PowerApps

, August 14, 20207839 Views

In our previous blog we have learnt embedding of Power BI tiles in PowerApps. Now, in this blog we’ll learn Charts in PowerApps. Charts are used for graphical representation of data. It can usually be read more quickly than the raw data. In PowerApps there are below types of charts: Column Chart – A column […]

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Embedding PowerBI Tile in PowerApps

, August 8, 20204815 Views

In our previous blog we have learnt embedding of PowerApps in Power BI report. Now, in this blog we’ll learn to embed PowerBI tiles in PowerApps. Let’s look at the steps required to add Power BI tiles in Power Apps. In PowerApps click on Insert tab. Click on Charts and then select Power BI tile […]

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