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Mining Industry… to the cloud!

, December 29, 2022725 Views

Mining is one of the most essential and possibly one of the oldest industries in the world. In ancient times, people started mining metals to make tools. With the discovery of coal, coal mining started followed by the discovery and mining of oil. Almost everything that we get which forms the very basic foundation stone […]

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microsoft fabric partner

Dynamics 365 Plugin Assemblies. Single or Multiple? You decide!

, December 22, 20223519 Views

In most projects with Plugins, there will be an obvious need for more than one plugin. This brings up challenges for how to organize and manage the assemblies and normally will result in having to strike a balance between maximizing plugin deployment segregation, (A single plugin class per plugin assembly) and ease of deployment/visual studio […]

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Digitization in Travel Insurance Industry

, December 8, 2022741 Views

The travel insurance industry will be seeing a steady growth in the future, both near and far. People will travel and they will want to feel safe as they travel. Insurance would be important if they are traveling alone but even if they are traveling in a group insurance would be of immense help as […]

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Moonlighting is bad!

, December 1, 2022703 Views

What is moonlighting? Moonlighting means having a job that is separate from and in addition to the regular job that a person holds. This does not include a passive income job. This kind of job is one that does not involve the person actually putting any time or effort into it. Passive income jobs include […]

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Dynamics 365 Business Central

Dependent Assemblies Update!

, November 7, 20221221 Views

Hey Readers, breaking news!! and good ones this time!! Microsoft has released supported way for dependent assemblies in plug-ins. This release was released for public review for admins, makers, marketers, analysts automatically on 31 July 2022. General availability is yet to be announced. Currently developers use ILMerge Utility to combine set of assemblies in plug-in, […]

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Power BI > Accessibility of reports published in same app workspace

, November 4, 20221895 Views

Usually, Power BI Reports are shared with users by giving them access to the App Workspace where we have reports published.  So, when we have 2 groups of users – let’s say, Manager and Salesperson. And there are 2 sets of reports, Set1 & Set2, where Set1 is to be shown only to Salesperson, and […]

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Copying environment variables from one environment to another using SQL query

, October 7, 20222302 Views

As any developer, one always follows the cycle of deployment using different environments, i.e., DEV (for development phase or the underground lab) -> UAT (for testing phase or Racoon city) -> PROD (for real-time application or the world). In SSIS also, we are able to deploy the same SSIS package in 3 different environments, but […]

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microsoft fabric consultants

Dynamics 365 Sales Solutions: Are You Doing It Right?

, October 7, 2022856 Views

Let me ask you a question. I give you two options and ask you to choose. I will ask you to give the reason for your choice. Simple? Wait. Hear the options and you will realize just how sadistic I actually am. Give yourself some time to think and you will sympathize with me. You […]

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Microsoft SQL Server > Find a specific value in all the tables of a database using T-SQL

, September 2, 202231922 Views

Often times we find ourselves in a situation where we want to find a particular value but we are unaware of its whereabouts, i.e., we don’t know in which table or column this value is present. Or we want to know in which other tables a particular value is present. Or just if this value […]

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Introducing Power Pages!

, August 20, 20221602 Views

Microsoft Power Pages is a part of the Microsoft Power Platform family. It is an evolution of Power Apps portals. The new features included are the new design studio. The templates are in preview for users to try and provide feedback. We can expect general availability of the Power Pages by next year. We can […]

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